Video search has always been a tiring job for the net users all around the world. If you are searching for a video clip, you will have to move around lots of trial and error. A latest technology is soon to be launched by Yahoo Inc. that will make your video surfing simpler. With this complex technology your computer will be able to recognize images of various formats and index them scene by scene. A trial version of the above technology has been performed by the Yahoo and is running successfully, although users will have to submit their e-mail ID and password before using this technology. A question may arise that what could be the difference between other video search engines like youtube, google, MSN and this latest video search. Main difference lies in the indexing process of the crawlers. Other video search engines crawl the Meta tags and heading of the videos where as this latest video search crawls on the images of the video and recognize them snap by snap. This latest technology enables your computer to see directly inside the video and sort out the exact clips you are looking for.