Bharti Airtel has introduced India’s first range of zero Processing Fee Prepaid Products. Airtel ‘Happy Recharge’ will enable the Airtel prepaid customer to get the benefit of Full Talk Time without having to pay any processing fee, which will increase the users talk time by over 140%.
Airtel prepaid users can Happy Recharge with Rs. 249, Rs. 399 and Rs. 499 and get the benefit of One Simplified Tariff plan that includes One Local Rate and One STD Rate. It will have a single rate for local calls, and one rate for STD calls irrespective of the caller calling any other operator or even to a landline. Also, customers can avail of lower rates for higher recharge denominations. Happy Recharge is available for all existing and new users.
Sanjay Kapoor, President Mobile Services, Bharti Airtel Limited said, “The prepaid segment has shown immense growth in the last couple of years and as an industry leader, Airtel intends to drive consumption in this category further. As we expand existing markets and enter new ones, Happy Recharge is a strategic initiative that is aimed to speed up growth, enhance customer value and significantly contribute towards increasing our market and revenue share in the future.”