With a new phone in town,everyone would be eager to know as many things possible about the gadget,here we have done the same. We’ve heard the iphone news nonstop for days. We’ve known it uses slow EDGE for months, and have always suspected that the typing might not feel right. But at the end of the day, a LOT of people are going to pick up this phone, either way. So are they suckers, or the y tech elite? Hit the jump to find out the reviewer consensus on Apple’s magical iPhone.
The phone is so sleek and thin, it makes Treos and BlackBerrys look obese. The glass gets smudgy — a sleeve wipes it clean — but it doesn’t scratch easily. I’ve walked around with an iPhone in my pocket for two weeks, naked and unprotected (the iPhone, that is, not me), and there’s not a mark on it.
When you buy other electronics, you have to delay your gratification for hours after opening the box, so you can charge the battery for the first time. Not the iPhone — it is always charged and ready to go as soon as you get it out of the box.
The iPhone has an excellent implement of state-of-the-art features like integrating contacts with the phone function.You can also merge up to five conversations into a conference, and a great feature called Visual Voicemail lets you view on screen all the voice messages left for you to play back in the order you choose.
…the touch screen and software interface are easier to use than expected. What’s more, we didn’t miss a stylus in the least. Despite a lack of tactile feedback on the keypad, we had no trouble tapping our fingers to activate functions and interact with the main menu.
To be fair, the iPhone Internet experience is loads of fun though It’s not “the Internet in your pocket,”. It displays HTML pages gorgeously (even over EDGE!) but the Internet is now loaded up with Javascript, Java, Flash, streaming media and other plug-ins. The iPhone can’t hit many of these rich experiences…
Seattle Times
Maybe I’m not used to it yet or too old-fashioned, but I dislike the browser. It doesn’t have stop or home buttons, so if you tap the wrong link you hit the back arrow and return to the previous page…You can zoom into Web pages nicely, but you’re still looking at them on a screen that’s a bit smaller than a business card.
USA Today
Phone’s saving grace for data is Wi-Fi, if you have access to a hot spot. It automatically determines the fastest network it comes across (Wi-Fi or Edge)…Several times, a confusing “could not activate Edge” message appeared on the screen, though I was in my home office with Wi-Fi.
Wall Street Journal
The large virtual keys get larger as you touch them. Software tries to guess what you’re typing, and fix errors. Overall, it works. But the error-correction system didn’t seem as clever as the one on the BlackBerry, and you to switch to a different keyboard view to insert a period or comma is annoying…There’s also no way to cut, copy, or paste text.
The 2-megapixel camera, for example, lacks any adjustments and has no zoom. Shutter lag is longer than with a dedicated digital camera–or even the better camera phones I’ve seen.
During my weekend playing with the iPhone, I came across a number of questions…(like how to get Google Calendar on the device) by the time 2nd generation product roles around. Overall, I’d argue that the iPhone is a culmination of 12 generations of iPods in various forms; to call the iPhone a first generation product is to completely ignore the iPod’s history and success…
We’ve been analyzing the iPhone for so long before it was released that our reviews are more studies of our analysis than actual impressions of the experience. The iPhone’s legend has grown so large that reviewers don’t know how to tackle it, addressing preconceptions more than their own conceptions. And it’s for that reason that I think the iPhone is simply a try before you buy purchase. Because at the end of the day, consumers understand the technology much better than the interface or the intentionally obscure feature set, and reviewers are blinking as quickly as possibly to get the stars out of their eyes. To help the reviewers it is best to grab one.