With the foreclosure crises, renting a place will be easier than selling these days. Although this is a very good time to buy, the buyers are reluctant because the economy is not doing great. So, if you are looking to buy, sell or rent your property, look for Prudential. Prudential Douglas Elliman is New York’s Largest Real Estate Company. They have Long Island listings and New York City Listings plus many others. They have helped lots of home buyers find their dream home. At their website, prudentialelliman.com they provide photos and details of the properties. Besides helping consumers find their dream home they also help home owners sell their property. You can also search for an agent. They have over 14,000 transactions and $14 billions sales volume yearly. Best of all they rank among the top 5 largest real states service in the U.S.A. They have 60 offices serving 350 communities from Manhattan to Montauk, guaranteeing the continuity of one company helping each purchaser explore housing throughout New York City, Long Island and the Hamptons. So if you are looking for buy or renting commercial or private property, just click on the link above and they will help you get started.