GIGABYTE has announced the launch of the G31 Series of motherboards based on the Intel G31 chipset. These motherboards use the Dynamic Energy Saver technology and deliver huge power savings and better power efficiency to computers. Two models will be available in this series – GA-EG31M-S2 and GA-EG31MF-S2.
The chipset at the heart of this Gigabyte GA-G31MX-S2 is the Intel G31 which sits squarely at the bottom of the Intel 30 series of chipsets. There are currently seven members of the 30 clan with model codes that describe their intended market and performance.
Here’s a brief chipset summary:
* P35 supports 1333MHz FSB with 8GB of DDR2 and DDR3 memory and an ICH9 Southbridge.
* There’s no P33.
* G35 is P35 without support for DDR3 but with the addition of a GMA X3500 graphics core. This is a new core that appears to have ten unified shaders instead of the eight offered by GMA X3100 and I can’t wait to see it in action.
* G33 is a P35 with the addition of a GMA 3100 graphics core so it only supports Shader Model 2.0 and is incapable of running the Windows Vista Aero interface.
* P31 is limited to the 1066MHz FSB with 4GB of DDR2 and an ICH7 Southbridge.
* G31 adds in a GMA 3100 graphics core.
GIGABYTE Dynamic Energy Saver Series Motherboards are able to provide exceptional power savings of up to 70% improved power efficiency without sacrificing computing performance, our entry model GA-EG31M-S2 is DES compliant