Payday Loans are just great when you need some quick money just before your paycheck arrives. A payday loan or cash advance is a quick and easy way to fulfill your cash requirements between pay days without a credit check. It is a small short-term loan that can range from $100 up to $1,500. The money can be electronically deposited and repaid from your checking account on mutually agreed upon dates.
The terms payday loan and cash advance are used like synonyms to mean a way to get some cash before your next pay day arrives. A payday loan or cash advance can give you the money you need to cover emergencies, unexpected bills and other unforeseen costs until you receive your next paycheck. To apply for a loan you must be at least 18 years of age and need to have a job or another regular source of income. You must also provide your email address, home phone number, home address, driver’s license, social security number, checking account, and one personal reference. Once you submit your completed loan application, you will be connected instantly with payday lenders, who will evaluate your information. Payday lenders typically deposit the loan amount the following business day after the loan is approved.