Vodafone, which had got the government’s nod to rename Hutch-Essar as Vodafone Essar, is set to unveil the new branding for the company in Mumbai this week, with sources linking the possible date to Thursday. Sources said that the Vodafone CEO Arun Sarin would be arriving in India to unveil the brand and also attend the company’s first board meet on September 20.
The branding will see Vodafone replace the pink colour and logo of Hutch with its red colours, sources added. Sarin is visiting the country to oversee the operations of the venture and hold consultation with his key lieutenants on the future plans in India.
Mr Sarin will also unveil a Rs 400crore media blitz, which will include TV and newspapers advertisements, hoardings and online promotional activities and the company is also learnt to have bought ad spaces in several channels including deals with both the Star and Zee networks, sources added.
The Rs 400crore ad blitz will be spread over the next eight months and the company will spend about Rs 15 crore in each of the 23 telecom circles towards rebranding in addition to another Rs 75 crore for advertisements.