Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL) has started the Wi-Fi internet service in Himachal Pradesh. The NIC (network interface card) data card for both laptops and desktops was launched on Monday by BSNL’s Himachal Pradesh chief general manager Anil Kaushal.
“The data card has a speed of up to 140 kbps. The signal is available across the state including the remote mountainous regions of Kinnaur and, Lahaul and Spiti,” said Kaushal. “The data card works on CDM technology and voice calls can also be made for which charges will be separate,” he said.
“The initial cost of the NIC data card is Rs. 4500. It can also be bought in easy instalments of Rs. 150 per month. The minimum monthly usage tariff is Rs. 250 onwards,” Kaushal said.
He added that BSNL will soon come up with 2.4 mvps data card with faster speed after powerful Wireless Local Loop (WLL) Base Transmission Stations (BTS) towers are installed across the state.