We can e-mail photos or post them on a personal Web page for some of our loved ones, but there are others who want nothing to do with a computer, let alone the Internet. Moreover, you cannot carry your computer everywhere, say on a camping holiday on a river bank.
The perfect gadget for sharing photos with the computerless is the digital photo frame.
Why get a simple do-nothing picture frame when you can have an amazing electronic version that displays slide shows, serves as an mp3 player, plays DVDs or even receives photos from family and friends across the country? The newest digital picture frame takes photo displaying to the next level, and make ideal gifts for parents, grandparents and friends.
Previously the only way you could view your photo’s was by printing them all off and storing in an album and stuffing them in your drawers, cupboards and where not. Its so difficult to find the prints of 3 year old holiday trip because you need to go through all the albums to find them.
With the advent of digital picture frame you can have your happy snaps constantly on display in all areas of your home, on the wall of your living room, at the entrance and on the side table in your bedroom on a fashionable, stylish digital photo frame. You can set the time for each picture to display, type of transition, play short movie clips with sound and all this without the need of a computer !!! Thats what I call innovation.
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